Es ist offiziell: Wir freuen uns, ab sofort auch euer Ansprechpartner für @axisfoils zu sein!
Während wir bereits ausgiebig die komplette Produktrange testen, könnt ihr ab sofort über unseren B2B Shop alles bestellen was das Foilherz höher schlagen lässt⚡
📸 @thelenlukas
#axisfoils #liquidsports #newbeginnings #foiling #discopumper #foilingisnotacrime #loyaltothefoil #pumpfoil #foilsurfing
Wir freuen uns Euch unsere neue Marke zu präsentieren.
Unser CEO @horn.philip und sein Team haben eine Menge Herzblut, Zeit und Schweiß hinein gesteckt.
Hier ist das Baby 😉
📸 @bulgenslag
📸 @marioentero
#flytheocean #liquidsports
#xcelwetsuitsgermany #vayu
#wingfoil #wingfoildaily #loyaltothefoil #sea #surf
@wingpassion @wingfoildaily
Die @tauchen.magazin Digital Messe ist in vollem Gange! 🤙🏽 Wir streamen täglich unsere Vorträge live bei Facebook und Zoom! 🎥
Einschalten lohnt sich 🔥
#liquidsports #tauchendigital #wedivelocal #scubadiving
📸: @foivos_tsoupras
Zwischen den Jahren schwelgt man ja oftmals gern in Erinnerungen...
Diesen Schnappschuss aus 2013 wollten wir euch nicht vorenthalten 😂
Na, wer war damals schon an unserer Seite?
#goodolddays #liquidsports #langistsher
Dive Challenge Kärnten!🤿
Der @tauchshopklagenfurt hat bereits im Frühjahr die Aktion ins Leben gerufen um Unrat und Müll aus den Seen in der Region zu holen. Über 1200 Tauchgänge absolvierten die Teilnehmer! 🐟
Wir von Liquid Sports sind froh, solche Projekte unterstützen zu dürfen.
#cleanup #lakecleanup #sustainable #future #liquidsports #klagenfurt #klagenfurtamwörthersee
Das erste Riders of the year Event fand am vergangenen Wochenende statt. Der Wind ließ ein wenig auf sich warten, dennoch konnte der erste Kitefoil- Freestyle Wettkampf ausgetragen werden. 🥇
Wir freuen uns als Supporter dabei gewesen zu sein und sind gespannt was die Kids in Zukunft liefern werden 🏄🏼♂️
#rideroftheyear #childrenofthesea #kitesurf #foilstyle #manerawatermen #xcelwetsuitsgermany #xcel #liquidsports #supportyourlocal
Als Wassersportvertrieb mit mehreren Neoprenmarken bleiben Reklamationen und Altlasten nicht aus. Wir danken @landandsea_yogamats, dass sie einen Weg gefunden haben auch unseren alten und nicht mehr zu gebrauchenden Neoprenanzügen neues Leben einzuhauchen. ♻️
Wie? Checkt ihre Seite aus @landandsea_yogamats
#sustainble #reduce #reuse #recycle #surf #wetsuits #xcelwetsuitsgermany #liquidsports #sea #oceanlover #yoga
Unsere neue Website ist online! 💻
Verbesserte Händlersuche, aktuelle News, alles rund um unser Team und und und. Schaut’s euch doch gern mal an 👀
#newhomepage #liquidsports #officelife #onehouse #onepassion #onedrive #xcelwetsuits #fonekites #manera #select #bare #atomic #zeagle #hollis #oceanic #stahlsac #lavacore #thermalutuion
Wir suchen Verstärkung 💪
Du bist passionierter Wassersportler und kommst aus der Region Kiel? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Mitarbeiter zur Surf Verkaufsabwicklung im Innendienst. 📞💻 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Weitere Infos findest du auf unserer Homepage und bei Facebook
#wirsuchendich #teamliquidsports #dortarbeitenwoandereurlaubmachen #officelife #hiergibtsfeierabendbier
BEHIND THE SCENES 2.0 👷♂️📦💪 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Das Herz von Liquid Sports. Da passiert was 🌪
Shtby @foivos_tsoupras ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#liquidsports #behindthescenes #thisiswherethemagichappens #warehouse #heiligehallen #schatzkammer #oneandonly #ck #onehouse #onedrive #onepassion
BEHIND THE SCENES 💻📞📎 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Für alle, die sich schon immer mal gefragt haben wie es eigentlich bei uns aussieht 🔝
Shtby @foivos_tsoupras ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#liquidsports #behindthescenes #thisiswherethemagichappens #officelife #onehouse #onedrive #onepassion #heiligehallen #immerschönmitsicherheitsabstand #staysafe
Da das gemeinsame Anbaden in diesem Jahr leider ausfallen muss, hat uns das nette Team von @tatorthawaii nominiert um bei der #anbadenfürhelden Challenge mitzumachen.
Und mit der Ostsee vor der Tür lassen wir es uns natürlich nicht nehmen uns für den guten Zweck in die Fluten zu stürzen!
Wir nominieren:
Unsere Nachbarn @faedd_antimode (wir erwarten großes von euch) und
Danny von @atlantis_hamburg (unter Wasser ist auch okay)
Bei dieser Gelegenheit möchten wir gern das großartige Engagement von @meerlebensurf unterstützen! Bis bald auf, am oder unter Wasser 🌊 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #wewillsurfagain #wewilldiveagain
Zwischen all den Corona News möchten wir diese freudige Nachricht gern mit euch teilen 🔥 ... ein bisschen stolz sind wir da ja schon 😉
Wetsuit of the year 2019 Gewinner.
Super stretchy, neue Innenkaschierung, Radiant rebound, Channel Flex... wir könnten noch ewig weiter machen- aber am besten besucht ihr den Surfshop in eurer Nähe und überzeugt euch selbst!
#simaawards #winner #wetsuitoftheyear #xcelwetsuits #xcel #since1982 #xcelwetsuitsgermany
Aktuell bekommt ihr bei uns nicht nur Tauch- sondern auch Atemschutzmasken ❌🦠 #weareinthistogether #gemeinsamgegencorona #ffp2 #toughtimes #stayhome #damitwirbaldallewiederaufswasserkönnen #kiel #dankeanallehelfer❗️
Windsurfing, Kitesurfing, SUP und Tauchen. Das gesamte Team lebt den Wassersport und ist in jeder freien Minute auf, am oder unter Wasser.
one house – one passion – one drive 🌊
#teamvorstellung #wirsindfüreuchda #westayathome #wedivelocal #wesurflocal #xcelwetsuits #xcel #fonekites #manera #select #bare #atomic #zeagle #hollis #oceanic #stahlsac #lavacore #thermalution
Welcome to the family SELECT WINDSURF PROFOIL F.1!
#select #selecthydrofoils #selectfins #windsurffoil #foil #speedgear #carbonconstruction #windsurf
Are you a diver, freediver or surfer? Or all of it? We provide you with the gear you need! 🏄♀️🧜♀️
Photo by @merlissamermaid
#freedive #dive #surf #surfing #surfer #surfergirl #ocean #underwaterphotography #underwater #oceanlife #protectwhatyoulove #waterinspired #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #savesharks #xcelwetsuits #whalesharkwetsuit #xceldiveeurope #oceanramsey #juansharks
Your love for sharks begins when you understand their importance for the ocean.
Photo by @juansharks
#freedive #dive #ocean #underwaterphotography #underwater #diving_photography #oceanlife #uwphotography #saveouroceans #hawaii #underwater #greatwhiteshark #protectwhatyoulove #waterinspired #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #savesharks #xcelwetsuits #tigersharkwetsuit #xceldiveeurope #oceanramsay #juansharks
Today is #InternationalWhaleSharkDay! Together with Ocean Ramsey we have a dedicated a whole wetsuit line to this amazing, beautiful and unfortunately critically endangered shark 💙🐋🦈. Here’s why:
~ ~ ~ The Story of the Whale Shark ~ ~ ~
"Did you know whale sharks are now an endangered species? Sadly, these gentle giants are being killed at unsustainable rates, mainly for shark fin soup. The whale shark’s beautiful pattern and great size – they are the largest shark species – makes them a coveted target of the shark fin soup industry. Truly tragic, since these giant filter feeders are one of the most peaceful, docile, and, in my opinion, most beautiful shark species. Their killing is also wrongheaded: The global economic value of a live whale shark far outweighs the value of its fins in the shark fin soup trade. Eco-tourism is sustainable and has multi-level benefits to local economies and the environment. Please help support responsible eco-tourism that supports research and responsible boating through their known aggregation sites. Mahalo (thank you) for purchasing this suit and becoming a voice for these voiceless, beautiful giants of the sea.” – Ocean Ramsey
~ ~ ~ Your Support ~ ~ ~
Your personal involvement makes protecting sharks and other marine life a reality. Every single person makes an impact, so we hope you join our global community effort to save sharks and conserve the ocean environment for our present and future human and animal generations.
#xceldiveeurope #whaleshark #whalesharkwetsuit #protectwhatyoulove #xcelwetsuits #oceanramsey #underwater #protectwhatyoulove #waterinspired #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #savesharks #xceldiveeurope #girlsthatscuba #juansharks
Photo by @connerhumann
#freedive #dive #ocean #underwaterphotography #underwater #diving_photography #oceanlife #uwphotography #saveouroceans #hawaii #underwater #whalesharkwetsuit #protectwhatyoulove #waterinspired #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #savesharks #xcelwetsuits #xceldiveeurope #oceanramsey #juansharks
Where are you diving this weekend?
Photo by @adrianbullockphotography
#ladyelliotisland #australia #dive #ocean #underwaterphotography #underwater #diving_photography #oceanlife #uwphotography #saveouroceans #hawaii #underwater #whalesharkwetsuit #protectwhatyoulove #waterinspired #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #savesharks #xcelwetsuits #xceldiveeurope #oceanramsay #juansharks
Reposted with
What's your favorite shark?
#shark #sharks #sandbarshark #savetheocean #oneocean @xcelwetsuits @xcelwomens #dive #tigersharkwetsuit #whalesharkwetsuit #ocean #protectwhatyoulove #WaterInspired #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #sharkdiving #underwater #savesharks #oceanramsey #xceldiveeurope
Time underwater is time well spent - especially when there’s a dolphin sighting!
Photo by @connortrimble
#ocean #freediving #protectwhatyoulove #dolphin #hawaii #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #underwater #onlyinthewild #emptythetanks #keepthemwild #dolphins #xcelwetsuits #oceanramsey� #xceldiveeurope
Batfish… every diver‘s friends!
Photo by our ambassador Markus Roth @maro_visions
#scubadiving #diving #batfish #platax #underwater #scuba #coralreef #oceanlife #reeflife #underwaterphotographer #underwaterphotographer #underwaterphoto #xcelwetsuits #underthesea #oneoceanoneplanet #protectwhatyoulove #nobluenogreen #roamtheoceans #savetheocean #love30x30
“Simplicity and perfect symmetry made with intention & perfection.”
Beautiful photo and repost by @jaymgreiner
#shark #sharks #savetheocean #oneocean #xcelwetsuits #xceldiveeurope #dive �#tigersharkwetsuit #whalesharkwetsuit #ocean #protectwhatyoulove #WaterInspired #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #sharkdiving #underwater #savesharks #juansharks #oceanramsey #oneoceandiving #xceldiveeurope
It's still Plastic Free July! Although the size of the plastic waste problem is frightening, the numbers tell us that small actions can make big impacts.
What ideas do you want to share with the others that help to reduce our single-use plastics consumption?
📸 @maro_visions
#dive #ocean #underwaterphotography #underwater #diving_photography #oceanlife #uwphotography #saveouroceans #plasticfreejuly #underwater #plasticpollutes #protectwhatyoulove #waterinspired #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #xcelwetsuits #xceldiveeurope #oceanramsey #juansharks
#happydays Cruising in Hawaiian waters with a Galapagos sharks.
Wetsuit: Women’s Ocean Ramsey Axis Long Sleeve Back zip 2 mm Springsuit Tiger Shark Print
📸 @taylork.sea | 🧜♀️@andriana_marine
#freedive #dive #ocean #underwaterphotography #underwater #diving_photography #oceanlife #uwphotography #saveouroceans #hawaii #underwater #tigersharkwetsuit #protectwhatyoulove #waterinspired #nobluenogreen #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #savesharks #xcelwetsuits #xceldiveeurope #oceanramsey
Most sun screen is harmful to corals - that’s why UV protection shirts are a much better option! With our Water Inspired long sleeve UV� shirt collection, you’ll look great while protecting your skin AND the reef. ☀️🐠
🐬 Dolphin print UV shirts (and whale shark, tiger shark and water print) are available in local dive stores and online shops all over Europe!
#uwphoto #underwater #underwaterphotography #freediving #marinelife #freedivephotography #freediverlife #sunprotection #reefsave #ocean #apnoe #snorkeling #protectwhatyoulove #dolphin #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #underwater #oceanramsey� #uvshirt #rashguard� #savetheocean #xcelwetsuits #xceldiveeurope
Remote coral reefs are often the most pristine! 💙🌏
What was the most remote part of the world you've ever dived?
Photo by our ambassador Markus Roth @maro_visions in Halmahera, Indonesia
#reef #coralreef #coraltriangle #savetheocean #oneocean #halmahera #xcelwetsuits #dive #tigersharkwetsuit #whalesharkwetsuit #ocean #protectwhatyoulove #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #underwater #savesharks #oceanramsey #xceldiveeurope
It's flat shark Friday! 💙Did you know that manta rays are closely related to sharks, but feed only on plankton? Here's an Indonesian reef manta hovering above a cleaning station. Great capture by our ambassador Markus Roth @maro_visions in Raja Ampat!
#manta #mantaray #reefmanta #savetheocean #oneocean #rajaampat #xcelwetsuits #xceldiveeurope #dive #tigersharkwetsuit #whalesharkwetsuit #ocean #protectwhatyoulove #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #underwater #savesharks #oceanramsey #xceldiveeurope
@eleonorabergamasco exploring the underwater world of Corsica. 🇫🇷🧜♀️🔱 Have you ever been diving in the Mediterranean Sea?
Photo by @lllandreinolll
🩱@xceldiveeurope @xcelwetsuits @oceanramsey @xcelwomens
#underwater #underwaterphotography #underwatermodel #freediving #freediver #freedivingphotography #freedivingmermaid #mermaid #mermaidphotography
#sealife #freedivinggirls #freedivegirls #freedive #whalesharkwetsuit #freedivingphotography #xceldiveeurope #freedivingart #oceanlover #sealovers #xcelwetsuits #oceanramsey #whalesharkwetsuit
@juansharks in our Free Diver 2-piece Tiger Shark Print wetsuit. In this photo by @blakethompsonphoto you can see Juan capturing an ID shot of Nikki, a resident Hawaiian tiger shark, whose pattern inspired our tiger shark print. #SharkIDNikki
With our tiger shark wetsuit lineup, we want to help raise awareness for these important animals and a part of our profits go directly back to shark conservation. 💙🦈
#juansharks #oceanramsey #xcelwetsuits #oneoceandiving #waterinspired #tigersharkwetsuit #sharkdiving #tigershark #freediving #protectwhatyoulove #oneoceanoneplanet #underwater #diving #underwaterphotography #tauchen #unterwasser #savesharks
Photo by @lee_hodgson
@xceldiveeurope @xcelwetsuits @oceanramsey @xcelwomens #freediving #apnea #diving #uwphotography #ocean #underwater #underwaterphotography #freediving #freediver #freedivingphotography #sealife #freedivinggirls #freedivegirls #freedive #freediving #freedivingphotography #oceanlover #sealovers #xceldiveeurope #xcelwetsuits #oceanramsey #tigersharkwetsuit
Missing our finned friends? 🦈 Here are some beautiful shark photos captured by our ambassador Markus Roth @maro_visions in Fiji...
#shark #sharks #savetheocean #oneocean #fiji #xcelwetsuits #xcelwomens #xceldiveeurope #dive �#tigersharkwetsuit #whalesharkwetsuit #ocean #protectwhatyoulove #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #sharkdiving #underwater #savesharks #oceanramsey #xceldiveeurope
@oceanramsey doing what she loves most: “Flying” with friends... 🦈🧜🏻♀️
Photo by @daniel.hulme
#shark #sharks #tigershark #savetheocean #oneocean @xcelwetsuits @xcelwomens #dive �#tigersharkwetsuit #whalesharkwetsuit #ocean #protectwhatyoulove #WaterInspired #oceanconservation #diving #tauchen #unterwasser #saveoursharks #instadive #oceanlove #lovetheocean #scubadiving #scuba #sharkdiving #underwater #savesharks #oceanramsey #xceldiveeurope
Great photo of @mermaid.kayleigh playing with bubble rings... by @camgrantphotography with @kaimanaoceansafari 🌏💙
@xceldiveeurope @xcelwetsuits @oceanramsey @xcelwomens
#underwater #underwaterphotography #underwatermodel #freediving #freediver #freedivingphotography #freedivingmermaid #mermaid #mermaidphotography
#sealife #freedivinggirls #freedivegirls #freedive #freediving #freedivingphotography #xceldiveeurope #freedivingart #oceanlover #sealovers #xcelwetsuits #oceanramsey #tigersharkwetsuit
Are you ready for your next big adventure? Tough, light and easy to don with front-zip entry, the Aqua Trek Tech Dry is the 4-layer Dive Slayer of your travel diving dreams.
Excellent durability and abrasion-resistance with CORDURA Nylon Oxford 4-Layer fabric and a lightweight, breathable design makes this our most travel-friendly trilaminate. Get outstanding protection with the BARE Aqua-Trek 1 Pro Dry and Ultrawarmth Base Layers.
#BARESports #BAREAquaTrek #BAREInYourElement #BAREDrysuits #ultrawarmth #lakediving #underwaterworld #scubagear #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #freshwaterdiving #scuba #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #tauchen #unterwasser #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
“Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” – Lao Tzu
🧜♀️: @hallepiacente
📸: @williamdrumm
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #BAREevoke #barewetsuits #omnired #diving #apnea #freediving #girlsthatscuba #adventure #florida #scubadiving #diving #scuba #scubadiving #diving #diver #scubagear #dive #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #vitaminsea #diving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Cold water dives can be amazing and often there's more to find than you think!
“These tan coloured sponges are often accompanied by soft coral, lots of anemones, and a ton of little critters using them all as rich place to set up home! Check out #beneathBC for more interesting facts on all the interesting life you can find in our local waters."
Photo and repost by @maxwelhohn
What's your favorite cold water dive?
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #ultrawarmth #BAREdrysuit @atomic.aquatics.germany #scuba #exploration #coldwaterdiving #drysuit #drysuitdiving #divegear #instadiving #britishcolumbia #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #diving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
What are your diving plans for the weekend?
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #BAREdrysuits #ultrawarmth #wedivelocal #techdiving #techdiver #tekdiver #tekdiving #technicaldiving #scuba #exploration #divegear #instadiving #coldwater #coldwaterdiving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
“Crazy what you can find when you just get out there and explore!" Repost BARE Ambassador @maxwelhohn
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #ultrawarmth #wedivelocal #cavediving #underwaterworld #scubagear #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #freshwaterdiving #scuba #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
New and improved, our Nixie Ultra pairs industry-leading flex with optimal thermal warmth and fit on every dive. Featuring a proprietary blend of BARE’s new OMNIRED Technology, neoprene materials, Progressive Full-Stretch construction, and a new collar zipper for easier donning and doffing, Nixie Ultra is a warm, stylish and versatile wetsuit that inspires adventure and celebrates your passions.
Photo: @hiimjoe88
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #BAREevoke #BAREnixie #barewetsuits #omnired #scubadiving #diving #huishoutdoors #BAREsports #wedivelocal #scuba #scubadiving #diving #diver #scubagear #dive #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #vitaminsea #diving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
"Sky might be the limit."
Absolutely incredible photo by @ants_stern in Iceland 🇮🇸
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #ultrawarmth #BAREDrysuit #coldwater #silfra #iceland #iceland🇮🇸#icelandtravel #icelandtrip #scubadiving #scuba #diving #scubadive #divingphoto #underwater #divinglife #scubadivingmag #underwaterphotography #uwphotography #drysuit #adventure #scubashooters #divinglife #divingtrip
What's your favorite BARE product?
Photo: @hiimjoe88
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #BAREevoke #BAREnixie #barewetsuits #omnired #scubadiving #diving #huishoutdoors #BAREsports #wedivelocal #scuba #scubadiving #diving #diver #scubagear #dive #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #vitaminsea #diving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
One, two, three hungry whale sharks at night time! 🦈🦈🦈💙
Great photo by
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #whaleshark #maldives #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #shark #sharkconservation #lovesharks #maldives #conservation #scubadiving #wildlifephotography #scuba #paditv #tauchen #buceo #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Where's your next adventure going to be?
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #ultrawarmth #wedivelocal #hollis #atomicaquatics #lakediving #underwaterworld #scubagear #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #freshwaterdiving #scuba #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
”Just keep swimming.” - Dory 🐠
Photo by @kadupinheiro
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #clownfish #nemo #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #underwater #scubagear #scubadive #dive #diving #wetsuits #ocean #oceanlovers #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Have you tried out our BARE Exowear, our lightweight, layerable and neutrally buoyant exposure-protection garment?
How do you prefer to wear it?
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #BAREexowear #scuba #scubadiving #scubagear #scubadive #dive #diving #divelife #wetsuits #drysuits #wetsuit #scubadivers #ocean #oceans #oceanlovers #girlsthatscuba #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
These eyes ... no wonder everyone loves sea turtles!
Photo and repost by @christian_miller_photo
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #seaturtle #seaturtles #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Did you know that when heat escapes your body, you can lose more than 60 percent of the energy that keeps you warm? To ensure you stay warm during every dive, BARE’s new Ultrawarmth category of watersports products features OMNIRED Technology. OMNIRED has been lab-tested and proven to provide the best thermal protection available in the diving industry.
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #BAREevoke #barewetsuits #omnired #scubadiving #diving #huishoutdoors #BAREsports #wedivelocal #scuba #scubadiving #diving #diver #scubagear #dive #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #vitaminsea #diving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Did you know that each Manta Ray has a pattern like no other individual on its belly, like a unique fingerprint?!
Photo by @christian_miller_photo
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #mantaray #manta #reefmanta #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Constructed by man, decorated by nature. Painted Pillars is a 300m long cruise ship terminal that’s gone unused for over a decade. Marine life and sea birds use it as a strategic platform as an abundance of prey and nutrients flow through the strong currents of Discovery Passage.
Photo by @maxwelhohn
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #wedivelocal #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde #paintedpillars #vancouverisland
It's finally summer - time to cool down in a clear mountain lake!
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #ultrawarmth #wedivelocal #hollis #atomicaquatics #lakediving #underwaterworld #scubagear #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #freshwaterdiving #scuba #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
"One of the most interesting marine species I’ve encountered are Chimaeras. They seem very alien like with their metallic looking skin that seems to resemble a spacecraft that was crafted with precision. Chimaeras live in temperate ocean floors down to 2,600 m (8,500 ft) deep, and like sharks they use electroreception to find their prey...”
Amazing video and post by @maxwelhohn
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #chimaera #sharkdiving #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #underwater #deepsea #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Cold water, warm water, or ‘no water’? This one looks like there's no water at all, doesn’t it? That's the incredible visibility when diving in Iceland's fissures filled with crystal clear glacial water!
Incredible photo by BARE ambassador
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #ultrawarmth #BAREDrysuit #coldwater #iceland #scubadiving #akureyri #nesgja #northerniceland #unterwasser #scubagear #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #freshwaterdiving #coldwaterdiving #drysuit #drysuitdiving #scuba #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Don't we all dream about being in the water with humpback whales one day, some of the biggest and most gentle creatures in the ocean?
Stunning photo by @christian_miller_photo
#BAREsports #BAREinyourelement #humpbackwhale #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #whales #underwater #snorkeling #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
To celebrate 25 years of Atomic Aquatics, we broke all the rules. Again. Introducing the (very) limited-edition T25 Regulator. An elite and ridiculously beautiful regulator that lives up to the Atomic Aquatics heritage!
Find out more here:
#atomicaquatics #atomicaquatics25years #elevatingdivingfor25years #BestinScuba #AtomicT25 #AtomicRegulators #wedivelocal #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
We wish you a all a Happy World Manta Day with this pelagic manta gliding over a ridge at San Benedicto Island at Socorro.
Photo by @hiimjoe88
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #AtomicRegulators #bestinscuba #joeplatkophotography #socorro #revillagigedo #manta #mantaray #worldmantaday #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Atomic’s ARC Tech coating is only a few microns thick! It cuts glare and helps you see better, dive after dive 🤿
Offering clearer vision and an enhanced color spectrum, Atomic’s SubFrame Masks harnesses ARC Technology to help you see more than ever before.
What is ARC Tech? Only a few microns thick, Anti-Reflective Coating (ARC) is a coating process that cuts reflected light and increases the available light transmitted to your eyes.
See more—with Atomic Aquatics’ ARC Technology.
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #bestinscuba #atomicsubframe #atomicvenom #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Sablefish fry are some of the most beautiful creatures I’ve ever seen. Their bodies have a brilliant display of colour that resembles a combination of luminescence mixed with glitter. These two were no bigger than a grain of rice but as adults they can reach a length of 114 cm and weigh up to 25 kg!
Photo by @maxwelhohn
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #bestinscuba #blackwaterdiving #nightdive #nightdiving #underwater #seacreature #blackwater #blackwaterdiving #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadive #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #instadiving #scubalife #oceanlife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
At 25, we’re ready to show our true colors. Learn what all the fuss is about and reserve your piece of Atomic Aquatics heritage at
#atomicaquatics #atomicaquatics25years #elevatingdivingfor25years #BestinScuba #AtomicT25 #AtomicRegulators #wedivelocal #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
"Yesterday evening I was on a solo dive with a mission to film giant pacific octopus. They’re a nocturnal animal, so the best chance of seeing them out in the open is usually during the night. Diving on your own in a dark environment can be unnerving, especially when your looking for a creature that can reach an average length of 16ft. Despite their size, they aren’t interested in a diver for dinner. Their targets are crabs, cockles and other crustaceans they can scrounge from the sea floor. As I descended into dark, my light caught a glimmer of an eye. A small octopus no bigger than 10 inches was perched on a rock, examining my every move. I spent over half an hour filming the little creature, whom seemed just as interested in me as I was in her, until suddenly she was spooked and darted between the boulders. As I slowly looked behind me, an arm extended to wrap around my fin. Unknowingly I had knelt down at the entrance to a much larger octopus den, and was receiving a gentle reminder to “move along”. The suckers on GPO arms are equipped with taste and smell receptors, and after receiving a mouthful of rubber and neoprene, she released me, and return to her den."
Wonderful story and photos by @maxwelhohn
#AtomicAquatics #bestinscuba #giantpacificoctopus #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #diving #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #instadiving #scubalife #octopus #nightdive #scubadiving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
We just love the whale shark's pattern!
Amazing photo by Atomic Ambassador @hiimjoe88
#AtomicAquatics #bestinscuba #whaleshark #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #padi #scubadiver #scubadive #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #diving #undersea #discoverocean #ocean #oceanlife #oceans #AtomicScuba #scubadivingislife #scubalife #diving #underwater #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Did you know that dolphins sleep by switching half their brain off?
Photo by @christian_miller_photo
#AtomicAquatics #bestinscuba #underwaterworld #dolphins #dolphin #onlyinthewild #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #snorkeling #scubadiver #scubadive #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #diving #undersea #discoverocean #ocean #oceanlife #oceans #freediving #scubadivingislife #scubalife #diving #underwater #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
The M1 is what you get when Atomic Aquatics decides to design and build a technical diving regulator. Atomic metallurgy expertise drives us to design the M1 for extreme diving. Monel parts are used internally in the first stage for high strength, corrosion-resistance and oxygen compatibility. 316 Stainless Steel, multi-layer Zirconium-coated Brass, and Titanium are used throughout the second stage. The M1 valve body is Zirconium/Nickel over Brass and the Seat Saving Dynamic Orifice is Stainless Steel. The M1 is factory-ready for EAN mixtures up to 50% or Oxygen mixes up to 80% when special guidelines are followed.
#AtomicAquatics #BestinScuba #AtomicM1 #AtomicRegulators #wedivelocal #coldwaterdiving #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Mondays are for mantas... 💙What is your favourite creature to see on a dive?
Photo by @steve_woods_photography
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #AtomicRegulators #bestinscuba #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde #nusapenida #mantaray #mantarays
The BC1 is designed for the roughest ocean environment. Creating the toughest BC in the world requires unique materials. The BC1 is created using exclusive engineering grade plastics, polyurethane-coated fabric, and corrosion resistant metals. The unique, attractive double-laminated/coated BC1 fabric actually sheds water like a raincoat – a DRY BC. This strong fabric holds nearly double the pressure of standard BC materials. It is virtually impermeable and resists abrasion, tears and punctures. Self-cleaning, UV and stain-resistant, it also resists chemicals, mold, rot and mildew.
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #AtomicBC1 #wedivelocal #coldwaterdiving #bestinscuba #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
An Oceanic White Tip Sharks near Brothers Islands, Egypt. The Red Sea is definitely one of the best places to dive with this magnificent shark!
Photo by @simonlorenz_insiderdivers
#AtomicAquatics #BestinScuba #atomicscuba #egypt #egyptdiving #sharkdiving #sharks #shark #sharkweek #saveoursharks #sharkdive #shark #stopfinning #diving #dive #scuba #divelife #exploration #divegear #instadiving #dive #scubadiving #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Macro photography is like the ultimate real-life Pokemon hunt.
This is an Orange-spike Polycera (Polycera atra) laying eggs!
Great photo by @dfjac
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #AtomicRegulators #bestinscuba #scuba #scubadiving ##nudibranch #nudibranchs #polycera #scubadive #diving #dive #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #deepsea #seacreatures #UnderwaterPhotography #macrophotography #uwphotography
@hiimjoe88 freediving with a large hammerhead shark on the Bahamas. Have you ever seen a hammerhead shark? If yes, where?
Photo by @bradleyphotographic
#AtomicAquatics #BestinScuba #atomicscuba #bahamas #freediving #hammerhead #hammerheadshark #sharkdive #shark #stopfinning #diving #dive #scuba #divelife #exploration #divegear #instadiving #dive #scubadiving #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Who knows what kind of animal this little creature is?
Photo by Atomic Ambassador @simonlorenz_insiderdivers
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #bestinscuba #blackwaterdiving #nightdive #nightdiving #underwater #seacreature #blackwater #blackwaterdiving #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadive #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #instadiving #scubalife #oceanlife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
The mere sight of the blue oceans brings us a sense of peace and tranquility and the least we can do in return is to save it and not destroy it. Have a very happy World Oceans Day everyone!
#AtomicAquatics #bestinscuba #underwaterworld #worldoceansday #worldoceansday2021 #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #snorkeling #scubadiver #scubadive #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #diving #undersea #discoverocean #ocean #oceanlife #oceans #freediving #scubadivingislife #scubalife #diving #underwater #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
One of the most elegant and beautiful fishes... The juvenile Platax pinnatus has an orange stripe all around its body. When it moves, the fish imitates a poisonous flat worm. So smart and beautiful.
Photo by Atomic Ambassador Aquasphere underwater photography by @Martin.Strmiska.Photography
#scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #padi #baresports #scubadiver #scubadive #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #diving #discoverocean #ocean #oceans #BestinScuba #AtomicScuba #fish #papua #macrophotography #scubadiving #uwphotography #underwaterphotography #underwaterphotographer
F(i)ntastic news have reached us in the last days from UK! The UK parliament decided on ending import and export of detached shark fins! This is an important step in shark protection! 👏🦈
StopFinningEU wants just that for Europe too. If you haven't already, please visit their page and support bringing the European Citizens Initiative to success. EU Citizens currently have a unique opportunity to change the future for sharks.
👉 GO TO or StopFinningEU ASK your friends, family, colleagues to sign too
Blue shark photo by @steve_woods_photography
#AtomicAquatics #BestinScuba #atomicscuba #bluehark #sharkdive #shark #stopfinning #diving #dive #scuba #divelife #exploration #divegear #instadiving #dive #scubadiving #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Tech Fact: Atomic’s ARC Tech coating is only a few microns thick! It cuts glare and helps you see better, dive after dive 🤿
Offering clearer vision and an enhanced color spectrum, Atomic’s Venom and SubFrame Masks harnesses ARC Technology to help you see more than ever before.
What is ARC Tech? Only a few microns thick, Anti-Reflective Coating (ARC) is a coating process that cuts reflected light and increases the available light transmitted to your eyes.
See more—with Atomic Aquatics’ ARC Technology.
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #bestinscuba #atomicsubframe #atomicvenom #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Manta Dance at night in the Maldives...
Photo by @simonlorenz_insiderdivers
#AtomicAquatics #wedivelocal #AtomicRegulators #bestinscuba #scuba #scubadiving #diver #scubadiver #scubadiver #scubadive #diving #dive #divelife #exploration #divegear #scubagear #instadiving #scubalife #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde #maldivesdiving #mantaray #mantarays
Katana 2 - Your Dive. With A Side of Air. ⠀
Image by Hollis Ambassador ⠀
#HollisSidemount #HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #SidemountDiving #ScubaDiving #CaveDiving #HollisKatana2 #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #sidemount #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
How do you remember your pre-dive checklist?
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #tekdiver #tekdiving #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Long shadows at cenote Naitucha...
Fantastic photo by @m.broen
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #sidemount #sidemountdiving #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #cavediver #yucatan #wetpixel #underwater #underwaterphotography #divingphotography #nauticam #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
It's really nice to see our gear in action!
Tag us in your posts where Hollis gear is getting wet!
📸 🧜♀️ @mad4theocean
#HollisGear #hollisnolimit #scubagirls #girlsthatscuba #scubagear #divegear #techdiving #techdiver #technicaldiving #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #diving #exploration #divegear #scuba #exploration #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
With our Katana 2 and our F1 batwing fins, you're perfectly equipped for sidemount diving!
Photo: @watermelodie by
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #HollisKatana2 #Katana2 #hollisf1 #hollisf1lt #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #sidemount #sidemountdiving #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Props and respect to #HollisAmbassador @grundysidemount on his killer back mounted doubles set up! Who’s a bit jealous?
Photo credit: @kayondrejko
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #hollisc45 #hollism1 #hollisf1lt #hollisdx300x #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #sidemount #sidemountdiving #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Exploring the river canyons of Vancouver Island, Canada #HollisNoLimit
Diver: @williamdrumm
Image by: @maxwelhohn
#Hollis #HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #NeverStopExploring #LifeOfAdventure #Innovation #scubagear #TechDiving #DiveTravel #ScubaDiving #CaveDiving #DiveExploration #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #diving #divegear #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Repost @bluemarlindivetech with some F2s getting some use!
#Hollis Fins...check!
#Rebreather...check! Diveplan...check! Sunshine...check!
Ready for #techdiving in the #giliislands. Beautiful conditions and 30m visibility at Tunang Wall this morning. Tomorrow we will be diving the Japanese much better can it get.
#HollisGear #hollisnolimit #HollisGear #HollisF2 #wedivelocal #sidemount #sidemountdiving #scubagear #divegear #techdiving #techdiver #technicaldiving #wreckdiving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #diving #exploration #divegear #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Have you tried sidemount diving? We have just the right equipment for you!
Photo by @grundysidemount
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #hollislx200 #hollism1 #hollisf1 #hollisdx300x #westcoastsidemount #wedivelocal #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #sidemount #sidemountdiving #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Darkness and silence...
Photo by Hollis Ambassador ⠀
#Hollis #HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #scubagear #TechDiving #DiveTravel #ScubaDiving #CaveDiving #DiveExploration #cavediver #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #underwaterphoto #uwphotography #diving #exploration #divegear #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Great trim on @grundysidemount!
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #hollislx200 #hollism1 #hollisf1 #hollisdx300x #westcoastsidemount #wedivelocal #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #sidemount #sidemountdiving #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Constructed from a compression resistant 8/7/6mm neoprene and a Hollis exclusive ThermaSkin inner liner, this suit includes a front neckdam with a revolutionary G-lock horizontal front zipper for easy on/off and a tight barrier against water intrusion. To further protect against water intrusion, the arms and legs are also sealed against leaks with an internal dam.
Tech-friendly pockets on both the left and right thighs for storing critical dive accessories.
Available in nine sizes and ready for the harshest conditions, the NeoTek is the most trustworthy technical semi-dry suit you’ll ever own.
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #HollisNeotek #SemiDry #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #tekdiver #tekdiving #technicaldiving #cavediver #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
You will never know until you go... How do you like adventure?
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #wedivelocal #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #tekdiver #tekdiving #technicaldiving #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #diving #exploration #divegear #rebreather #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
The “Stairway to heaven" - that's definitely a good caption for the famous staircase of the Karwela wreck off the coast of Gozo, Malta. Don't you think?
Great photo by @ants_stern
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #malta #gozo #scubagear #scuba #scubadiving #divegear #instadiving #wreck #scuba #underwater #underwaterphotography #underwaterphoto #scubadiver #wreckdiving #wreckdive #techdiving #technicaldiving #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
The classic M3 mask from Hollis. Featuring a two lens frame design with improved field of view allowing increased visibility of surroundings and gauges. With a low profile design and Ultra Clear Saint Gobain glass, it’s no wonder so many technical divers rely on their M3.
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #M3Mask #sidemount #sidemountdiving #techdiving #techdiver #tekdiver #tekdiving #technicaldiving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #scuba #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Meet Hollis ambassador @watermelodie ! Melodie lives and dives in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, where she actively engages her passion for Sidemount Technical and Cave diving.
She puts her experience and drive behind developing environmentally and socially sustainable dive operations in some of Mexico’s most pristine marine and aquatic environments in remote National Parks, the Cenotes (caves and caverns) and unique mega-fauna interactions, with crocs, manatees, sailfish, bullsharks and sailfish, to name a few.
We were really shocked to hear that Melodie was in a serious car accident in the beginning of June and suffered injuries including a major spinal fracture. A Neurosurgeon and the team of doctors had to rebuilt her spine with titanium plates and screws. Fortunately, Melodie is now able to go home to begin her recovery and rehabilitation journey - let’s send her our most positive thoughts and get well soon wishes!
#HollisGear #hollisnolimit #SidemountDiving #sidemount #holliskatana2 #scubagirls #girlsthatscuba #scubagear #divegear #techdiving #techdiver #technicaldiving #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #diving #exploration #divegear #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
Oceans are a big part of our lives and it is time we realize its importance. Have an awareful World Oceans Day!
Photo by @kadupinheiro
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #worldoceansday #worldoceansday2021 #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #tekdiver #tekdiving #technicaldiving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #unterwasser #diving #exploration #divegear #instadiving #scuba #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde
We just can't stop posting pictures of Mexico's unique cenotes! This is cenote Zapote with its characteristic "Hell Bells", which must be one of the most alien-like environments on our planet.
Photo by @m.broen
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The 200LX + DCX Regulator is our flagship regulator; designed for extreme environments. Every feature and detail of this new product provides you with the confidence of 40 years of manufacturing life support systems. The 200LX can be converted from a right-handed to left-handed hose configuration, in a manner of minutes without the use of specialty tools or calibration. The valve and every other metal component of the 200LX is “PVD” Industrial Plated, added to outperform and outlast any other regulator finish.
All LX regulators come standard with Lifetime Warranty, 2 Year Service Interval and Free Parts for Life.
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Hollis leads the way in safe, reliable, and durable technical and recreational diving equipment. Tag someone who needs to switch from their old brand and start diving with Hollis Gear. 😎😁
📸: @hiimjoe88
#HollisGear #HollisNoLimit #wedivelocal #scubagear #techdiving #techdiver #tekdiver #tekdiving #technicaldiving #cavediving #dive #scubadiving #scuba #tauchen #diving #exploration #divegear #rebreather #drysuit #scuba #exploration #huishoutdoors #liquidsportsde